All we do is (re)brand
At Rebrandt® we experience the power of an integrated approach. The same team works on the strategy and the design. A unique combination that naturally leads to an effective brand experience. Our top creatives not only have an Award-winning design background but are also highly experienced marketing and strategy experts. Exactly the mix needed for optimal (re)branding. In addition, the team also involves the client in the launch including the employees and steakholders. With a clear schedule and a clear approach, this integrated approach allows a (re)branding to be completed within 3 months, including:
• Strategy and positioning
• Brand name
• Visual identity
• All possible carriers: websites, packaging, lettering, etc.
• Brand activation / launch
In short, a 'one-stop-shop' agency with top creatives who communicate directly with you, without the intervention of account or traffic managers. Short lines, a pragmatic approach and clear finances. The working method and the makers at Rebrandt® have now been internationally praised with various Awards and many happy client.

Meet our experts

Get acquainted with one of the Rebrandt® experts without obligation. An appointment on the contact page is quickly made.

The Rebrandt® network includes:
Ruud Winder
Strategy & design
As founder of Rebrandt®, Ruud Winder developed a unique approach to developing new brand names and brands. The "Rebrandt® Program" method eventually grew to Rebrandt®, with which he builds and renovates brands.
Nikkie Wester
Styling & concept
Nikkie Wester is a strong conceptual thinker and textile product designer with a great passion for craftmanship and folklore. With the Rebrandt® team, Nikkie develops the style guide, the first visual translation from theory to image.
Chris Manuputty
Chris Manuputty is a very versatile designer with expertise in concept development, typography, copywriting, storytelling and graphic design. Passionate magazine designer by day, super creative by default.
Robert Blaauboer
Concept & copy
Robert Blaauboer is a brilliant copywriter and director. With more than 15 years of experience in multimedia and television. With his open mind, skills and structural 'out of the box' thinking, he is a valuable creative within the Rebrandt® team in text and concept.
Frans Jacobs
HTML & more...
Frans Jacobs is the regular programmer for Rebrandt. Together with the team, he develops various web and email productions. With his many years of experience in building from scratch, he is our buoy in the digital world.
Peter Puntman
Motion graphic
If it moves, animates, and thus comes to life, our Peter Puntman is responsible for that. A good example is the animation for VNG that he developed together with the Rebrandt® team.
Rick Imambaks
Graphic design & motion graphic
Rebrandt® got to know Rick as a talent within sQuare, and he is now a valued colleague and sparring partner in his role as a graphic and motion designer. Rick is active in countless youth events and organizations in Amsterdam, and breathes current trends and culture. With his work he is one of the change makers of today's digital landscape.
Linda Kaandorp
Electronic & Print Publishing
From traditional complex printing to interactive PDFs in more than 100 layers, no graphic production holds any secrets for Linda. Linda has been working with the Rebrandt® team for over 15 years. A permanent base for all our productions.
Karin ter Laak
Graphic design
Karin ter Laak has been working with Ruud Winder, founder of Rebrandt, for a long time. Together she developed a series of successful projects. Within the team, she quickly seizes the opportunity to provide projects with a unique character with her design and typographic qualities.
Veronica Stroomer
Microsoft PPT, Word & Excel
Veronica Stroomer specializes in Microsoft PowerPoint and Word. She creates templates for these Office programs, ranging from small designs to complete corporate identity implementations. She also provides advice on user-friendliness and collaborates closely with the designers of Rebrandt® for the best possible outcome.
Marcel Otto
Strategic content and PR
These times increasingly require reliable information. Marcel and his team help clients to tell their expertise and stories as best as possible to the right audience and to increase their visibility and brand awareness.
Meet the masters...
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